Native Irish
Tree Trail
Tree Trail Croom Town Park
Croom Town Park has a full suite of native Irish trees and in the summer of 2023 these will be added to. This work is being carried out with the assistance of a grant from Axa Parks fund which was enabled by Community Foundation Ireland, Croom Community Development Association (CCDA) are very grateful for their assistance.

Our Trees:
White Willow Tree Salix Alba
The water loving willow tree has been used to protect river banks and here in Croom our Willow is a White Willow - Salix Alba.
The willow always look so beautiful along a bank and none is better placed than the white willow along the bank of the River Maigue.
The Willow Tree was prized for salicin contained in the tree which is an ingredient of Aspirin and was traditionally used to cure rheumatism.
Ash Fraxinus Excelsior
In Ireland we are very familiar with the Ash as the timber used in Hurleys, this is not the only sport for which Ash is used as it was often used for American baseball bats.
The Ash is the same family the olive and fig trees, perhaps their northern cousin!
The Ash of course is under threat from the Ash die back caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. There is hope is that it will be possible to save the Ash tree.
Oak Tree Quercus Petraea
There are two native oaks in Ireland the Sessille and Common oaks in Ireland.
Our Celtic forefathers believed the oak to be sacred. The Oak like hazel is associated with knowledge.
The Oak can grow for 300 years and is very slow growing.
The bark
of the oak was traditionally used as an antiseptic. As well as traditionally used as a building material, oak shavings are prized for their flavour and
aroma in smoked products and as vessels for wine.
Yew Taxus Baccata
The Yew is one of Ireland’s few native evergreen trees.
Mayo is named for the yew Mayo meaning the plain of the yew.
The yew is one of Europe’s oldest trees. The yew is often grown in church grounds and graveyards. The yew can grow to 7M.
In Croom Town Park they form part of the boundary of the playground, in years to come it is hoped that the grandchildren of today’s children will be playing under the same trees.
Scots Pine Pinus Sylvestris
The Scots Pine are along the river front, these majestic trees were native to Ireland it was believed for a long time that the original gene had died.
Much of the scots Pine in Ireland were from trees planted in the 17th Century with original trees being found in Co Clare.
The Scots Pine have a trait of being wildlife friendly and the cones are the preferred food of the Red Squirrel.
Sycamore Acer Pseudoplatanus
Was originally native to central and southern Europe and has been naturalised in Ireland for a long time.
The sycamore is thought to be the second most common hedgerow tree.
The Sycamore has a life span of 150 years.
The flowers of the Sycamore provides nectar for bees.
Larch Larix Decidua
The Larch is a deciduous conifer.
The Larch is noted for its Autumnal colour.
The Larch is fast growing achieving 3 feet per annum and achieves heights of 40-50 feet.
Elder Sambucus Nigra
The Elder tree is one that supports wildlife exceptionally well.
The beautiful white spray of flowers attract a range of insects.
The flowers are used to produce elderflower syrup and wines.
The autumnal berries of the Elder are food for small mammals and birds. In Irish the Elder is Troman.
Rowan Sorbus Aucuparia
The Rowan or Mountain Ash is a common tree in the cooler climates of the northern hemisphere.
Although often referred to as Ash it is unrelated to the Ash Tree.
This small tree has distinctive clusters of redberries, an ideal size for gardens.
The Rowan was highly regarded in Irish and Celtic mythology, it was said to offer protection.
Birch Betula Pubescens
These native Irish trees have been here for thousands of years.
The birch had a strong place in Celtic times, being a symbol of love and its branches used to protect babies.
The trees produce male
and female catkins (April to May). The fruit comes about after wind pollination.
Lime Tilia Cordata
Lime is a deciduous tree, often identified by the twiggy growth at the base.
The white flowers are hermaphrodite, they appear in June and have a delightful scent.
The flowers can be used to brew a tea.
Holly Ilex Aquifolium
The holly tree is well know as a Christmas decoration.
Holly has a more important function, being important to insects flowering from late winter to spring.
The berry is prized for Christmas décor but do remember the birds need it more!!
Beech Fagus Sylvatica
The Beech is found across the country in woodlands and old estates.
The beech is a very large deciduous tree with pretty insignificant yellowish green flowers.
The beech tree can grow to 40m.
The beech was used ancient times for medicines including poultices for skin ailments.
Beech woodlands are a source of food for caterpillars and moths.
Beech was naturalised maybe as long ago as 1,000 years.